NyaWeh - Thank you
2024 REACH Fest Community Sponsors & Partners

Platinum+ Partnership

Gold Medal Sponsor
Silver Medal Sponsor

Bronze Medal Sponsor

Green Level Sponsor

Lawrence D. Reddest,
"I am Lakota"
01 Rosebud Lakota Tribe
I am enrolled citizen of the Rosebud Lakota tribe. I was born and raised into our beautiful ceremonial ways on the Pine Ridge and Rosebud reservations in the state of South Dakota. Our ceremonies such as Sundance, Sweat lodge, and the NAC, Native American Church, fulfill a spiritual purpose. I was brought up in the ways of my elders, to become Roadman/Reveverend, which is a Spiritual Leader.
03 World Education
Growing up in ceremonial ways is the most important part of my spiritual role.
Along the way, my young mind set out on a path of non-traditional discovery.
After high school graduation, I attended Culinary Arts School, and became a certified cuisine chef.
I am also a certified as a first class welder through MTC/University of Cincinnati. I attended the University of Startk/Kent State in Canton to fulfill my apprenticeship program in Mechanical Engineering.
02 Singing our Songs
For generations, my people carried the songs of our ceremonies. I am now a fourth generation singer, and more specifically I am an all around singer in my traditional ways.
One way I share these songs are at gatherings. "Pow Wow", is not our word. In Lakota, we say "Wacipi (wah-chee-pee), which means "dance".
04 Talk and Drum
There are many ways to share our culture. For this year's 3rd Annual REACH Fest, our DRUM Group IRON LIGHTNING, will be singing on Saturday and Sunday for the festival's children's dance contest, featured Hoop Dancer Rachel Secody, and the Women Veteran's Panel.
The 2nd opportunity came through the Special Historic Exhibit, featuring Dayton Metro Library's "Edward S. Curtis, North American Indian Portfolio."
Stephanie wanted to ensure the photos that were chosen out of the collection, would have a living "relative" of the Nation represented.
"We are honored to have Lawrence speak alongside the collection. Having a Living relative/member of the Nation, is vital from both an advocacy and educational standpoint. We are a strong, vibrant, living people. We are also more than what you see at Pow Wow. We are your chefs, and your welders, and mechanical engineers!"
Stephanie Van Hoose
Two Opportunities to Hear Lawrence D. Reddest at REACH Fest November 15-17
*Iron Lightning DRUM- Performs on Nov 16 & Nov 17
"Living Relatives, Edward S. Curtis Historical Collection Display - timed entry Nov 16-17

Rachel Secody
"I come from the Raven Clan"
Intertribal Legacy
My name is Rachel Secody, I come from the Raven Clan. My mom is Lumbee from North Carolina and my Dad is Tlingit from Alaska. Growing up, I spent time in both Alaska and Arizona. I first learned to hoop dance 20 years ago from my Uncle who was a world champion hoop dancer who, even in his 60s, continues to perform.

Turtle Island
My performances have taken me across the United States, Mexico, and Canada..
I hold a Bachelor of Science Degree in Art from Utah Valley University. While I was there, I performed in a multicultural dance group called Remembering Our Culture.
I've had the honor of performing at WEIO, the World Eskimo-Indian Olympics, in Anchorage, Alaska.
My husband, who is Navajo from Kaibeto, Arizona, and I have been married for 13 years. We have 4 awesome kids ranging from 5-11 years old. Six years ago, we settled in the Dayton area, a place we've grown to love.
Opportunities to see Rachael Secody @ REACH Fest
November 15th 16th 17th
Opening Night Dinner Reception
Saturday Children's Dance Program
Sunday Dance demonstration

Saturday November 16th, 5-630